Moravian Academy Lower School Renovation

Creating a dynamic learning environment through innovative interior design

AIA Eastern PA Small Project Award/ People’s Choice Award, 2022

Location: Bethlehem, PA

Client: Moravian Academy

Date Completed: 2020

Moravian Academy launched a “Reimagining the Schoolhouse” campaign, inviting firms to design a more cohesive arts hub for their Lower School Campus in Bethlehem’s National Register Historic Landmark District. With decades of experience in the renovation of historic properties, Artefact was selected to design a new configuration for the classrooms that would encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and inspire students with engaging visual elements.

Our involvement began with an extensive pre-design process, during which we sought feedback from teachers, students, and administrators on how they would like to see the arts classrooms evolve. The time frame of the project’s evolution—which coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic—created a particular challenge, as we had to halt work for long periods and make up for lost time once restrictions were lifted.

Our design expanded and connected the classrooms to allow learning, activities, exhibitions, and performances to flow naturally throughout the building. Introducing vibrant colors, geometric patterns, display areas, and glass walls and doors enlivened the various spaces, creating an inviting and interactive environment for students.

Upon receiving an AIA Eastern Pennsylvania Small Project Award for the renovation, we were recognized in particular for our whimsical library entryway, which featured an arch made of colorful oversized books.

Juror Frank Grauman noted, “The entry arch is extraordinary; something you will remember from your childhood when you are in your eighties.”

Before and After


Church Apartments


Historic Lehigh County Courthouse